Safety deposit boxes are available at no extra charge in the office and in the rooms aboard the KLM Eliya. We advise you utilise these during your stay as you are fully responsible for any damage or loss of your possessions whilst aboard.
I understand that it is my responsibility to arrive at the Scuba Junkie office on time, ready for departure. Failure to arrive on time will result in additional fees charged to arrange a private transfer to the KLM Eliya (if available).
Please note you are in a Muslim country and as such you agree to respect the culture and understand that all public nudity is strictly forbidden.
For my own protection I will:
1. Not dive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
2. Not conduct decompression or penetration dives.
3. Not dive deeper than 40 meters.
4. Familiarise myself with all rental gear.
5. Follow all safety instructions given by the dive team.
6. Be responsible for planning and executing my own dive profile.
7. Never dive alone & if I get separated from my group, ascend after a 1 min search.
8. Not dive if I feel at all unwell.
9. Not dive if I am pregnant.
10. Wait at least 18 hours before flying after diving.
To protect the marine life and coral reef I will:
1. Not touch, tease, harass or chase any marine life.
2. Not deliberately touch any coral on the reef.
3. Not damage the reef with my fins or any other equipment.
4. Not hold onto, rest on, stand or kneel on any living coral.
5. Comply with the dive professionals instructions.
6. Not throw ANY garbage into the ocean.
7. Not pick up or collect any coral, shells etc.
I hereby acknowledge all of the above terms and conditions while diving with Scuba Junkie, and agree to pay for all in full before I begin my diving. I fully agree to pay for any rental equipment that I lose or damage during my trip.
Bcd: 5,000,000 IDR
Regulator: 8,500,000 IDR
Wetsuit: 1,400,000 IDR
Hooded Vest: 800,000 IDR
Fins: 850,000 IDR
Booties: 500,000 IDR
Mask: 500,000 IDR
Snorkel: 170,000 IDR
Weight belt + buckle: 200,000 IDR
Weights: 100,000 IDR per KG
Camera + Housing: 8,500,000 IDR + 3,000,000 IDR
Dive Computer: 4,500,000 IDR
Compass: 850,000 IDR
Torch: 800,000 IDR
SMB: 400,000 IDR
By my signature below, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the above terms & conditions and Cancellation Policy. I also agree to dive according to PADI’s Standard Safe Diving Practices & Scuba Junkie’s Responsible Dive Practices during my stay with Scuba Junkie. I understand and acknowledge with my signature below that in the case of deliberate violation of these rules, the Cruise Director has the exclusive rights to exclude me from any further activities. I have read and understood Scuba Junkie’s package rates and agree that these costs apply to my stay unless I have received written confirmation otherwise. I agree that I must return all rental equipment before disembarkation to Scuba Junkie, or I will be charged for any items not returned.